Story Conversations is the brainchild of Susan Griffin and Simon Arrowsmith, a partner in Iambic Agency in the UK. Susan and Simon have worked on various projects together for a number of clients, alongside their partners Gary and Jonny.
After reading a recent industry report that said storytelling was one of the top skills marketers were looking develop, Susan and Simon scratched their heads. Wasn’t storytelling yesterday’s skill essential? Didn’t most people know how to do this by now?
Apparently not. So, they set about thinking how they could explore the topic in an inspirational, entertaining, and educational way.
They turned to creative friends and colleagues, mostly from outside the marketing world. And they started conversations exploring the ways narrative, stories, and storytelling are used to inform their work. Through these wonderful discussions they began to uncover how businesses could learn to apply the lessons from these story experts. The result is this podcast!
Listen to both seasons streaming on the Story Conversations Blog, or look for it on Apple Podcasts and Spotify!