Central Park Conservancy

Plan for Play is a multi-year plan to renovate and rebuild Central Park’s 21 playgrounds, some of which were the originally built during the Robert Moses era and did not meet current safety requirements or offer an appealing recreational experience for children. Since the approval process for each playground included presentations to political representatives, local community boards, and other public constituencies, a tabloid-size format report, totaling 11o-pages in length was created. It allowed for ease of viewing by multiple constituents while accommodating large fold-out maps, extensive text content and a sizable number of images. In addition to a detailed breakdown by region in the park and the playgrounds within each, the piece included an overview of the overall project, a section detailing the history of play, current trends in the study of play, specific features in the park used for other types of recreation and a discussion of the planning process. In addition to the printed piece, we also produced a website utilizing all the existing content, including a compelling interactive experience incorporating 360 degree virtual reality views of each current playground. The report allowed all stakeholders to achieve a greater understanding of this project’s complex plan, which greatly enhanced the liklihood of approval and support of the overall objectives.

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